Presentation av Malin Rydesjö
Malin Rydesjö! Malin Rydesjö is an intuitive healer who guides you to awaken your essence and the power of now through movement, emotional release, traumahealing, working with parts, stillness, touch and life itself. She is a bodyworker, tantramasseur, yogatherapist, minfulnessinstructor, stressmanager and energymedicine therapist and releases blockages from source within you, in the collective and in multiverse. Her purpose through life has been to unfold the flow of life force and expand the divine within and let it express itself out. On the way to clarity we release norms, programs, fears, contractions, numbness, manipulations etc on all levels so that our bodies and souls can be and live who we truly are, as juicy, free and present as possible, owning our own energy. From there we can create a society (and body) of oneness, harmony, strength, love and joy. Her intuitive gifts came after a couple of spontaneous initiations to different sources of wisdom and everything has just opened day by day and she calls the work in that space of source “energymedicine”. Now she is writing a book on Energymedicine “Energymedicine – a way home” and holds a one year teachertraining to become an energymedicine therapist HEALING IN SISTERHOOD Dear sister, warmly welcome to a sacred space for your whole being where you will be nurtured and held in a loving sisterhood. As we release armours and programmings from a past of diminishing, exploitation and competition we free more space in our systems for our divinity to pour into our multidimensional beings. Together we release and open up, deeper and deeper we go into our parts to let the pure goddess, collective wisdom and stillness integrate and heal life itself, inside out, outside in. Together we release who we truly are, we hold and let us be held, touch and let us be touched both on the in- and outside and bit by bit surrender into our essence of love. In simplicity and peace. In togetherness and embrace. Bit by bit we walk the path of union, bliss and passion and to discover ourselves through the eyes and touch…