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Marco Zidarić & Linda Madeleine

Presentation av AcroYoga

Due to the success of the previous festival, we would like to welcome Marco Zidarić & Linda Madeleine again to this summer festival where they will continue to share the world of ACROYOGA with us. In the workshop they will go through the basics of Acroyoga, and teach a few steps from solar Acroyoga (active) that will be woven together into a flow. They will start with some trust exercises to tune in with each other and the intention is that after this session you will feel soft, smooth, relaxed and more connected to yourself and the others. No previous experience is required. Come as you are, with a friend or yourself. Please wear clothes that are not restricting your flexibility and preferably without details that can get caught in an acro partner. About Marco: Marco started practicing yoga (for the 3rd time) about 14 years ago and it was the first time that he really understood the philosophy and the practice of yoga. Marco then found and started practicing Acroyoga about 10 years ago and was mesmerized by the fun way of practicing strength, balance, communication, trust etc. He has regularly practiced Acro Yoga since then and he has held a lot of workshops in the Gothenburg Acro community and in different yoga studios. Marco has also done weekend retreats with focus on relationship development through movement, which he finds is a very interesting approach to improve a relationship. About Linda: Linda has always been interested in movement, curiously exploring every aspect of it. She came across acro yoga 10 years ago and she instantly loved it. It got stuck with her ever since. She's so excited to introduce you to this practice, which is both a joyful way of strengthening your body as well as a great way to make connections and also while travelling. Marco and Linda met at the jams in Gothenburg and they quickly found that the communication in between them were easy flowing and that they are having quite some fun when they are practicing together. "We are really looking forward sharing some Acroyoga…

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Presentation av Sergio Gio

Hello Tantric People - Please help us to welcome Sergio Gio who will lead us in a SOUND HEALING JOURNEY   This is his words: Hi. I am a performance dancer and Body terapeut doing ritual research, trying to heal myself through movements and sounds. I have been practicing therapy by leading groups, combining the body consciousness, sound yoga, and vibrational sounds. I guide one sequence of exercises that will relax and stimulate the focus on the sensorial system. Easily by doing sounds vibrations, respiration, moving and relating with theses elements and with the space around. The aim is to create one sensation in the body, soul, a good feeling of ourselves, and a good interaction with the real-life. Sound yoga movements.  is the name of the workshop sound vibrations , breathing  and making sounds body consciousnes , movements and free dance gong bath  Welcome https://www.facebook.com/Hemsalong

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Love is innocent

Alltså, vilken underbar resa vi startat… full av kreativitet och skaparglädje Denna festival kommer bli något för alla tantriker. Vi kommer ha två tält där olika workshops, föreläsningar, ceremonier kan pågå samtidigt. Innebär att vi kan bjuda in till både intro- & snälla aktiviteter till de som är nyfikna på tantra och önskar sig mjukstarta och landa mjukt, och även något mer utmanande workshops för de tantriskt erfarna.I skrivande stund är det otroligt många tantraledare som visat intresse för att bidra med sin visdom och vara en del av programmet. Och vi i planeringsteamet kommer successivt meddela här i eventet vilka nationella tantriker som kommer hålla i nån typ av aktivitet Vi är även nyfikna på vilken kurs-/workshopsledare du skulle vilja bli vägledd av om du vore deltagare. Skicka mig gärna din önskelista. Kanske blir den uppfylld

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