Du visar för närvarande Martina Stål

Martina Stål

Martina Stål is a compassionate Trauma Therapist & Healing Facilitator with a profound understanding of attachment trauma. Her journey into the world of Tantra was inspired by a deep desire to help individuals reconnect with their authentic selves and heal from past wounds. Martina helps you rediscover the joy of authentic connections, embrace your sexuality, and harness the transformative potential of your life force energy.

Martina’s expertise lies in four interconnected realms:

Attachment Trauma: Drawing from her extensive knowledge of attachment theory and embodied trauma, Martina specializes in addressing and healing attachment wounds. She guides individuals and couples on a journey of self-awareness and emotional healing, helping them create healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

Emotional Awareness: Explore the depths of your emotions, learning to identify and express them healthily. Martina will guide you in releasing and healing embodied trauma, promoting a sense of wholeness and well-being.

Sexual Intimacy: Martina offers a safe and sacred space for exploring sexual intimacy within the context of Tantra. She has a deep knowledge in healing sexual truma and abuse.

Life Force Energy: Martina’s teachings encompass the concept of life force energy, exploring how it can be harnessed and channeled for personal and spiritual growth. She guides individuals in unlocking their life force energy to experience vitality and fulfillment.

Martina offers free consultations at Bokadirekt.

She will facilitate three workshops at the festival.


Attachment and tantriskt relating Workshop

Martina Stål invites you on a transformative journey into the heart of love, lust, and trust within the realm of Tantra.

This lecture explores the intricate interplay between attachment styles and our capacity for deep, tantric connections.

Gain insights into your own attachment style and how it influences your relationships and desires. Discover how Tantra can be a powerful tool for healing and deepening your capacity for love, intimacy, and trust.

Martina offers guidance on embracing embodied sexuality as a natural and sacred aspect of our being, promoting a deeper connection with ourselves and our partners.

Experience guided Tantra practices and meditations that promote emotional awareness, embodied sexuality, and a deeper connection with your inner self and others.

This lecture is based on attachment research, emotion theory, many years of tantric exploration and Martinas work as a trauma therapist.

Conscious Speed Dejting

Are you seeking meaningful connections in a fast-paced world?

Come and enjoy a juicy, playful workshop there you meet potential partners or friends in deep tantric presence. Martina emphasizes radical self-expression, curiosity, and an open heart.

Authentic Connection: In this workshop, you’ll engage in a series of speed dates with fellow participants. Martina will guide you in mindful connection practices that encourage deep and authentic interactions.

Embracing Vulnerability: You’ll learn to embrace vulnerability as a pathway to genuine connections. Martina will offer tools to help you express your true self and listen deeply to others.

This is a place to make deeper connections with yourself and others in a loving safe way.

Kärlek och ilska – lär dig älska och stå upp för dig själv.

Välkommen på en intensiv och spännande workshop om hur du genom att öka din kärlek till dig själv får modet, kraften och viljan att stå upp för dig själv.

Vi arbetar utifrån att vår innersta essens är kärlek. Kärlek till andra men också till dig själv. När du känner ditt eget inre värde som kärlek blir det lättare att sätta kärleksfulla gränser till andra. Gränser som känns sanna i dig och kan tas emot av andra. Ingen ska längre gå över dina gränser. Du är värd att stå upp för dig och känna in vad som är rätt och fel för dig.

Vi lär oss känna, reglera och uttrycka ilska. Vi samtalar om hur du lärt dig hantera ilska och hur du skulle vilja kunna uttrycka ilska. Vi öppnar upp för den kraft som kommer med ilskan. Den energi inom oss som (kanske) varit blockerad och som har gjort att vi upplevt oss själva som kraftlösa eller kanske tom deprimerade. Ilska som exploderar kan tyda på gamla oläkta trauman.

I kontakt med kraften och kärleken kan du förändra ditt liv.