Rune Koch

Alchemy of the heart Fuelled by ancient sacred sounds, mantras and movements to open the body, this workshop is an exploration of the energetics behind sacred union. Active movement meditations with mantras that open up the heart chakra and the body's deeper senses. The ability to connect with yourself or a partner from an open heart lies at the core of divine lovemaking and tantric alchemy. To surrender to a space where sacred union is even possible we must first awaken the senses, come into the body temple and open the heart. In this workshop, you are invited to experience the power of ancient vibrations to do so, in an intimate, gentle and fun way. A perfect way to set your self up to beautiful encounters with the rest of the festival.  No nudity, lot of pure love energy J Portal to Orgasmic Flow In this sacred experience you are invited to melt the mind into the heart – and surrender to the orgasmic flow of sacred union between body and soul. Fuelled by the breath of life, you are guided to explore and unleash the feminine and masculine energy into a full body orgasmic state of being. This somatic encounter with your own orgasmic potential, opens your energetic body, anchor its inherent wisdom to your breath - all in order to increase the inner space for pleasure and integration of all of your being in a sacred union within. Nudity allowed, sexual energy definitely J Bio: Rune has dedicated his life to unlock and embody still higher levels of truth, joy and love, embracing vulnerabilities and shadows along the way. 

With a deep compassion and caring, he is devoted, to support people developing access to their inner compass and guidance.
 His work and way of being inspires others on their journey, helping them unravel the patterns, blocks and stories that are holding them back from releasing their full light and fire unto their life. Along his strong presence, Rune’s work bridges a solid spectrum of  - shamanic traditions (plants, trance, gong),
- devotional tantra, conscious relating - somatic practices (breathwork,…

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Eva Lindelöw

Kroppsmålning Workshopen startar med en meditation där deltagarna går inåt för att undersöka vilka tankar och känslor de har i förhållande till sin kropp. Många tycker om vissa delar men har svårare för en andra delar. Jag själv tyckte inte om min näsa när jag var liten. När det är dags att starta får Man välja om man själv vill måla eller be ngn annan att måla på DIN kropp. Jag hjälper också till Då bestämmer man själv HUR och vad / var man vill bli målad eller be ngn annan att måla på DIN kropp. Jag hjälper också till Då bestämmer man själv HUR och vad / var man vill bli målad Alt så överlåter man det till den som målar. Jag gör ett skyddat space så ingen annan än deltagarna tittar Speglar finns på plats så att man ser hur det fortskrider Vi håller på ca 2 timmar L I N D E L Ö W  Konst och Design VÄSTORP Ulvagård 3 36593 Furuby  0767136762

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Marti Dub Buddhna

My name is Martina and I am an adventurer through this life and a sound healing practitioner – trained to use sacred sounds to help people facilitate self-healing and restore balance on all levels of consciousness. ✨✨✨ Power of the sound is immense and I feel grateful to be able to share a part of this experience with you my dear friend! ❤️ ⭐️✨ We are all vibratory beings, living in vibratory space, so it is all about living in harmonic resonance with the flow of the Universe... that is what balance is. Learning about sound healing and practicing this ancient healing technique on myself and others, brought about removing old unconscious mental and emotional obstacles and blockages that were preventing me to live my life with more love for myself and my fellow earthlings. ✨⭐️  I am now here to share this with you. This beautiful technique was used in many old cultures, from ancient times, then completely forgotten by the modern society, only to be rediscovered slowly but surely, and absorbed by more and more people today, and I feel grateful to be part of this episode of rediscovering of the ancient vibrational medicine. Sacred sounds help us to clean all levels of consciousness (physical, mental, emotional, soul and spirit) of energies (vibrational forms) we do not have use of any longer, they help us to nourish the parts of us that have been depleted of energy and also they transform our intentions into reality ✨⭐️🌟🌟⭐️✨  ✨⭐️ Come join me in a sweet sound bath where we shall open our hearts, set the intentions we want to bring about in our lives and start a deep journey within, shedding what we do not need anymore and filling our energy fields with wonderful loving and nourishing energies ❤️ ⭐️✨

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