Anna-Malin Bjersing

Anna -Malin är en inspirerande lärare och kroppsterapeut. Hon är utbildad i dans & dramapedagogik, yoga- och mindfulness och har undervisat barn, unga och vuxna i 20 år. Hon älskar att skapa kreativa och kärleksfulla mötesplatser där människor vågar vara sig själva och hitta in i sin kärna och livsglädje. Hon leder dig in i kroppens närvaro med trygghet och djup, i samspel med gruppens flöde. Hennes företag Kroppens Magi erbjuder sessioner, handledning, kurser och cirklar i Göteborg och i Sverige Under festivalen kommer hon att erbjuda dessa workshops: Närvaro - vägen till njutning När vi saktar ner kan vi känna, när vi känner läker vi Kom och upplev hur närvaro i din kropp, kan öppna dig till en större känslighet, kontakt och njutning med dig själv och i mötet med andra. Beröring, närvaro, rörelse. Tantrisk naturnärvaro Öppna dina sinnen för naturens magi Möt dig själv och andra i ordlös kontakt i bokskogens levande värld Beröring, övningar i stillhet och rörelse. Anna -Malin is an inspiring teacher and physical therapist. She is trained in dance & drama pedagogy, yoga and mindfulness and has taught children, young people and adults for 20 years. She loves to create creative and loving meeting places where people dare to be themselves and find their core and joy of life. She leads you into the body's presence with security and depth, in interaction with the flow of the group. Her company Kroppens Magi offers sessions, tutoring, courses and circles in Gothenburg and in Sweden During the festival she will offer these workshops: Presence – the path to enjoyment When we slow down we can feel, when we feel we heal Come and experience how presence in your body can open you to a greater sensitivity, contact and enjoyment with yourself and in meeting others. Touch, presence, movement. Tantric nature presence Open your senses to the magic of nature Meet yourself and others in wordless contact in the living world of the beech forest Touch, exercises in stillness and movement.

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Sofia Kreissl
Sofia Kreissl

Sofia Kreissl

Sofia is a Certified Facilitator of the Wheel of Consent® workshops. She works as an Intimacy Coach in her studio in central Stockholm. She gently leads people on a path of relaxation and joy while creating a space for your Body to be just the way it is and honoring its need to feel safe. Whether you come for Bodytherapy, Pleasure Massage or Coaching sessions the Wheel of Consent® is a foundation for her work. She is also a Sexological Bodyworker (CSB), massage therapist and facilitator for Cuddle Party. She lives with her family in Stockholm — don’t miss out on attending one of her popular Cuddle Parties if you visit Stockholm!

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Marcos Bina

The main tool Marcos Bina uses at his individual sessions, workshops and retreats is LOVE. Through loving and compassionate guidance he will lead you to connect back to your body and to feel your emotions again. His personal mantra is “Love is a way not a destination”. As a fluid man, sexuality was always a focus in Marcos’s personal and professional studies. One of his purposes in life is to help men to reconnect with their emotions so, since 2021, Marcos has been leading the course and retreat for men called Travessia. More than 250 men who want to live a healthy masculinity have already attended to it. Marcos Bina is a graduated therapist at Tantra, ThetaHealing, Feldenkrais, and Quantum Being besides being an Engineer and Administrator. Follow Marcos at instagram @marcos.bina

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