Presentation av Gavin Bloemen & Morea Myrgren
Gavin Bloemen & Morea

Presentation av Gavin Bloemen & Morea Myrgren

Vi välkomnar Gavin & Moraea Myrgren till gänget som workshopledare UTFORSKAR ARKETYPERNA De kommer att utforska hur idén med arketyper kan hjälpa oss att se träden från träden när det gäller kärlek och relationer. Arketyper uttrycker vissa viktiga aspekter av vad det är att vara människa; aspekter av oss själva - igenkännliga delar som vi leker med olika människor, vid olika tidpunkter och i olika situationer i våra liv. Nästan som olika kläder eller kostymer vi provar i olika situationer beroende på vilken livserfarenhet vi har haft och vad vi letar efter i kärlek. Arketyper finns i filmer, myter, berättelser och i religiösa berättande över helt olika tidsperioder och platser runt om i världen. De är en stor del av den mänskliga berättelsen. Låt oss förkroppsliga dessa arketypiska energier i en trygg och lekfull miljö, använd utrymmet som en symbolisk bild av ditt eget liv. Workshop kommer att hållas av Gavin, medskapare av markarbetet (@TAG ) och certifierad Shadow Work® coach och Moraea, Shadow Work utbildad och registrerad Födelsedoula

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Presentation av Tonya Gorman

Please help us to welcome Tonya Gorman. She is a coach and course creator in the field of awakening, transformation and tantra. She uses sound, breath, archetypal movement and self inquiry to guide clients into deeper connection to their body, emotions, soul essence and purpose. She is passionate about creating spaces that guide people into deeper intimacy with themselves and life. This intimacy is created through courageously facing our shadow world to allow for the body to compassionately open up space for deeper joy, more fulfilling love and a more truthful experience to self and other. Tonya is from Portland, Oregon and offers one on one and group programs both in person and online. She is skilled at intuitivly sensing a person's soul blueprint and lovingly guiding them through the blocks, limiting beliefs, wounding, and conditioning that are holding them back from their fullest expression as a divine being here to bring their gifts into life. THE PLEASURE PORTAL - A workshop that will take you a step into greater intimacy with Self by using breath and intentional archetypal movement to awaken Eros in the body and attune to the subtle ways pleasure moves through you. To see, feel and know your power fully as a sovereign orgasmic being. Tantra invites you to slow down and become deeply present with your experience and the magic moving within you. Pleasure experienced fully in every cell of the body is bliss embodied, the union of heaven and earth within you

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Presentation av Ola Eriksson

Yes, here we go! Let us introduce an other workshop that will be held at this beautiful weekend. MAN’S CIRCLE - BROTHERHOOD, POWER & INTIMACY In a safe and secure space we will come together with other men to explore different aspects of manhood. This workshop is an invitation to Man In as suppose to what is asked of us men: to Man up, often ignoring the breadth of our experience. Ola Eriksson is an Osho therapist and a Daka practitioner. He specializes in Bioenergetics, Tantra, Bodywork and Men's work. He uses breath, movement, sound, and self-inquiry to help clients connect with themselves and their senses. Ola is often described as a uniquely grounded, attuned, and present therapist. Based in Gothenburg, he offers individual and group sessions that include breathwork, tantra therapy, pulsation, somatic work, de-armouring, and essence work. Ola also facilitates men’s work, creating spaces characterized by deep trust, intimacy, humor and brotherhood.

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